Matt. 11:28-29 Breathe, Just Breathe
This week, I have felt overwhelmed with everything life has been throwing at me. I feel like a bunch of balls have been thrown up in the air in every area of my life and I have no answers but a whole lot of questions. The song, Breathe by Jonny Diaz, has really been ministering to my heart. The lyrics speak about being busy, busy, busy going ninety miles an hour. There is so much to do and there is so little time. It’s a crazy life. But in my heart I feel you say just breathe, just breathe and be, just be; come and rest at my feet.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29
Sometimes we need to be reminded to breathe, just breathe and be, just be. Not to worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries but just be and live in the moment (Matt. 6:34). And with every breath we take we need to remember God’s promises. God’s got this. We have an invitation to come and rest in Him and to be quieted us by His love (Zeph. 3:17).
There is more than crazy life. This life is a mist. It’s not going to last forever. Heaven is being prepared for us. He is coming back to take us home and that is our forever. (John 14:3).
For weeks I have been hearing this song in my spirit. And I couldn’t find true rest. That would last forever. It would come and go. I prayed for a word. Just for a word from the Lord. Because I know how powerful it is. I can hear a song all day but a word from him is what will bring change it is what I stand on and hope in. So I finally came across this article. And was reminded of a stripture I had forgotten Matthew 11-28:29. And more scriptures I didn’t know about or had forgot. God will do abundantly and above all that I can ask for Or think. I’m so grateful for his word. And for him using you through this internet platform to help me get closer to him. Peace be with you!